Do You Struggle with Auditory Processing Disorder?
There are treatments that can help. If you suspect APD, this assessment will help to diagnose or rule out auditory processing disorder.
Q: This form asks for my name & email. Why? A: This assessment tool (test) was developed by a team of audiology & educational evaluators. Every submission is reviewed by our treatment team, each of whom is qualified to diagnose APD and has years of experience with children and adults with auditory processing and other complex hearing problems. To provide you with results from this evaluation, we need to be able to contact you. Please feel free to call or text us--the office number is at the top of the page--to confirm that this data will be used only in a HIPAA-compliant process by people who want to help you connect with your world. We're happy to answer any questions you have about who is going to see your personal data & how it's stored. Our data protection and privacy policy is here.